FintechNorth Events


Leeds FinTech Forum

November 5th, 11:00am

FinTech North is pleased to invite you to the Leeds FinTech Forum, organised in partnership with Ventas Sales.

Hosted at Bruntwood SciTech‘s Platform facility in central Leeds, the Leeds FinTech Forum will delve into scaling a FinTech in West Yorkshire and provide a fantastic networking opportunity with FinTech professionals in the region.

What does it take to scale a FinTech? Find out this November 5th.

We’ll hear various stories of scaling FinTechs from West Yorkshire; who will share their experiences and approaches to growth, team building and more. We can’t wait to hear from Lenvi, Data on Demand and more to be confirmed.

FinTech North strategic partners, Lenvi are a Leeds-based FinTech specialising in B2B consumer and commercial lending software and solutions.

Data on Demand build consumer data products and solutions for service providers and end-users.

Not only that, but we’re looking forward to hearing from Ventas Sales, Bruntwood SciTech and Objective Management Group, who will share their expertise and outline their support for scaling FinTechs in West Yorkshire and beyond.

The Leeds FinTech Forum will cover topics such as:

– Data and insights

– Developing world-class teams

– The ‘Life Cycle’ of a FinTech

– Scaling strategies for FinTech

– Accelerating world class FinTechs

Check out the event agenda below:

Event Schedule

Arrival, registration

Welcome from FinTech North

Delivered by Joe Roche, General Manager, FinTech North

Welcome from Bruntwood SciTech

Delivered by Katherine Megson, Innovation Manager, Bruntwood SciTech

Welcome from Ventas Sales

Delivered by Pete Evans, Managing Director, Ventas Sales

Scaling Stories: Lenvi

• Leonard Burger, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Lenvi
Session hosted by Rachel England, Events Coordinator, FinTech North

Scaling Stories: Data on Demand

• Simon Gregory, sales Director, Data on Demand
Session hosted by Rachel England, Events Coordinator, FinTech North

Scaling Stories: Sprout Coaching

• Bianca Spruit, Founder, Sprout Coaching
Session hosted by Rachel England, Events Coordinator, FinTech North

Scaling Stories, out of region insights: Keeper Solutions

• Stephen Walsh, Founder & CEO, Keeper Solutions
Session hosted by Rachel England, Events Coordinator, FinTech North

Keynote from Objective Management Group (OMG)

• Ben Tagoe, CEO, Objective Management Group

Scaling FinTech in Leeds Panel Discussion

• CHAIR: Katherine Megson, Innovation Manager, Bruntwood SciTech
• Simon Gregory, sales Director, Data on Demand
• Leonard Burger, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Lenvi
• Ben Tagoe, CEO, Objective Management Group
• Bianca Spruit, Founder, Sprout Coaching

Lunch Networking Reception

Event to close

Event Location

Leeds FinTech Forum
New Station Street

Get Directions >

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